Wednesday, November 19, 2014

You know because that's just our luck!

Well folks, Surgery has been delayed. :( I have had to take a few days to write this post because I have been so very sad about this news, but I put my big girl panties on and pulled it together(at least for this post ;)). Anyway, Cameron's cold took a turn for the worse and Sunday he started coughing. I wasn't too surprised, honestly. The previous Wednesday Max started coughing this awful croupy cough, and even as much as I tried to keep them separate....... That just isn't possible, so when Cam started coughing on Sunday, I just prayed and prayed that it would stay out of his lungs and that we could nip the upper respiratory stuff in the bud..... Not the case. We have been at the Doctors the last two days, and after a chest x-ray and a yucky sounding lower left lung, pneumonia has been deemed the culprit. They gave him two doses in shot form of some antibiotic called rocephin, and started him on two other meds orally as well. They have us doing neb treatments, and sitting in the hot steamy shower room doing chest PT multiple times a day. I haven't slept more than two hours since Monday. I think I'm probably writing this in my sleep :) They are trying their best to get him cleared up, but after speaking with Boston, they wouldn't want to proceed with a surgery like Cam's until he has been clear(lung wise) for at least 3 weeks. So this means we are looking at mid to late December!

As sad and disappointed as I am that we will most likely be spending Christmas in Boston, I'm more sad about the anxiety leading to that point. You see, having a kid like Cameron means that surgery will always be a part of our lives, and for me that means anxiety and fear the months leading up to the surgery..... so to have a date, become set on that date, and then have that date have to be changed...... just makes my issues that much worse. Lucky for Cam, he has no idea. He is still just happy, sweet, Cam! Aside from this nasty bought of respiratory illness, he is still full of smiles. He feels the most crappy at night, but from what I understand that is to be expected. But I would love to ask for ya'll to send up some prayers for my little bud. Please pray that he can kick this viruses but, and that he is feeling much better in the near future!

I also just wanted to let everyone know how grateful Paul and I continue to be for your love and support. We have received offers to help us with Christmas, monetary donations, dinners, visits from friends, phone calls(which is more comforting and helpful than you know) texts, and love! We truly do feel so blessed to be surrounded by some incredible people, and we will never be able to thank you enough for your support during this time. As of now we don't have an exact date for Boston. We are going to see how the rest of the week goes and then Boston will work with us to get us scheduled again. When we talked at the beginning of the week, they said it would most likely be later in December. And if that is when it needs to be, then that's when it will be! Like I said before, this whole situation has been difficult for us, but the Lord is showing his grace and love for us through you, and your support and we are finding peace and comfort in incredible ways. Thank you so much for your continued love and prayers.

P, J, C, and M


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